Friday, October 21, 2011

The Making of Maid Marian

Some of the best moments of my life have come right out of the blue. Tonight I had some of those out of the blue moments that mattered with my oldest daughter. She popped into the room, and like all my girls have done over the years, asked if I would help her with a last minute project. Tomorrow is the Maryland Renaissance Festival, an amazing event. There will be Ladies in Waiting and Knights in chain mail, the King and Queen will preside, food will abound and much merriment. Oh and don’t forget jousting, the Maryland state sport! For more info on the Festival, which runs August through October, you can check out their website .

Well, I can tell you we had a lot of fun turning an old high school formal (which my mother had started sewing for me but never finished) into an amazing Maid Marian costume for Jean. Using some ribbon and pearls we made a head piece to match the dress, laced the sides of the dress with ribbon, and added some pearls and voile! Jean will be the best Maid Marian at the festival.

Although I loved seeing the end result, the most fun was the hour and half with Jean figuring out and putting together the idea and the costume. Fun to see how the creative juices flow and bounce between us when we are teaming up on a project, very energizing. There is definitely something to be said for letting one's creative side have its way. I recommend it!

There was one intense moment! I sliced up my finger while cutting lacing holes in the dress. It wasn’t really intense for me, but I did think that we might lose Jean onto the floor, she doesn’t do very well with blood! Maybe she should skip the jousting exhibition tomorrow, eh?

Here’s to ye good friends! Hoping you’ll be making merry with your loved ones this weekend!


  1. Love it!! So gorgeous, both of you! I love a good opportunity for a repurposed garment for a fun occasion! Hugs to both of you!

  2. Me too Meg, it was fun to see the gown transformed. Thanks for the feedback and for coming by the blog :)
