Saturday, October 15, 2011

Finding Quiet

Two days ago the lights in our house flickered several times during a severe thunderstorm. I held my breath and hoped we wouldn’t lose power. During the brief interludes when the power was down, I realized how very quiet it was. It wasn’t the first time I’d experienced this quiet in the midst of a storm. Several times the silence has awakened me when the power has gone out in the middle of the night. It’s not the storm that wakes me; it’s the overwhelming silence after the storm, in a powerless house, that jars me from sleep. It is when these outages occur that I am reminded of the constant hum I live in. The continuous whirl of the electronic devices, the refrigerator, the computer, the lights and dishwasher, the fan blowing the air, day and night there is a constant hum. So, it is startling when I find myself in a place that is silent; startling and wonderful.

The older I get the more I appreciate quiet moments. As much as I love the noisy, crazy, zany fun when my grandchildren visit, I also love the quiet following their departure. I wouldn’t give up a moment hearing them laugh, call to me, or chatter happily while playing. Admittedly, I already miss them while we’re still waving goodbye, but I have grown to appreciate the quiet that enfolds me as I turn back inside the house as they drive away.

I think I’ve needed more quiet moments in my life for a long time. I wish I had sought them and learned to appreciate them earlier, but, I’m glad that my life has more of these peaceful interludes now. By nature I’m not a quiet person. I’m a talker, laugher, music maker, whistling mama! Much of the noise I live with is noise that comes from ME. When God said, “Be still and know that I am God,” I think that He must have been speaking directly to me and all the other noise makers in this world. Despite my noisy personality, good things happen when I’m quiet. I feel calmer, I think more clearly, and life in general seems much less harried.

Quiet moments ARE moments that matter. Quiet moments refresh me and revive me. Quiet moments remind me of who I am and Who created me. It is good to have moments that matter, refresh, revive and remind. Because these things are good, I find it very important to be deliberate in my pursuit of silent moments. I have to make quiet times happen. The world at large is a noisy, bustling, busy, place and I find it hard not to bustle right along with it.

Today I found myself in the woods by a beautiful pond. I wasn’t expecting a quiet moment. I was with my husband on a lovely, fun-filled outing. But for a few minutes, with my back against a tree, watching him some distance away photographing some of the autumn scenery, it was beautifully silent; startling and wonderful.

Hoping you find some quiet moments that matter today! Enjoy some of my pictures from today:


  1. Loved that first photo, and this post. Also love quiet moments. I'm not getting many at the moment, but I'm cherishing the ones that are there.

  2. Lisa I'm so glad that you responded, I was especially thinking about mothers with babies and young children when I wrote this. I remember how noisy and hectic it was at times. Praying you find lots of quiet moments!

  3. Beautiful shots. God indeed gives us special moments when we slow down. Thanks for the reminder my sweet friend.

  4. Thanks for leaving a comment Jenn and for stopping by the blog. Praying you have lots of quiet moments today!
