Saturday, October 8, 2011

Letting Go . . .

Sometimes not being in control is the most beautiful thing in the world. . .

Some of the best moments that matter are the ones that I don’t have to plan. As a matter of fact, they are my favorites in many ways. Earlier this week, my husband let me know that he was taking me on a surprise outing over the weekend. I didn’t have to worry about a thing; he was taking care of all the planning, start to finish. It really was terrific. Not only was the day fantastic, but the days leading up to it were fun as I didn’t know where we were going or what we were doing, but I was excited about the outing. For me, part of the fun is the anticipation of a good time to be had!

As we headed out this morning I knew we were going to an area vineyard. Bob had done a lot of planning and internet searching to find one not too far from home. It felt great to sit back and relax, leave the driving to him and enjoy the beautiful fall scenery. We drove through country side that glowed golden in the sunlight as the grasses are turning with the cooler fall nights. With the trees still green and the fields gold it was stunning. Getting to the vineyard was full of moments that mattered as Bob and I chatted, enjoyed the music playing on the radio and the beautiful vistas all around us. I was reminded that sometimes the journey is just as important as the final destination. Getting there, spending time with my sweet husband was one of the best parts of the day. I think I need to remember that in regard to life too, sometimes, when I am moving toward a goal, the time spent getting there is just as important as reaching the goal.

When my kids were still in school, the teachers knew they could almost always call on me if they needed a chaperone for a field trip. Actually, I usually was one of the first names on the list as I realized early on there was hardly a better way to spend a day with one of my daughters than chaperoning on a class outing. It was great to have one-on-one time with my child, go on an outing that had been thoroughly planned, was age appropriate, fun and educational. If you are a parent or a grandparent I highly recommend going on a few field trips throughout the year, it always provides some terrific memories and moments that matter. Sometimes it just feels good to not be in charge, to not be the one making all the plans and figuring out logistics.

On the other hand, knowing how nice it is to sit back and leave the driving to someone else, I’m thinking it’s my turn to surprise my honey. Any ideas for a fun outing in the DC metro area? I’m all ears and would love to hear from you.

Wonderful country roads
Me and Bob
View out the tasting room to the vineyard
Elk Run bottled wine and grapes

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